Team Physics

The study of Physics at this level is aimed at providing a worthwhile educational experience through well designed studies of experimental and practical science.

Students at SCIE are expected to follow the Extended curriculum which includes both the Core and the Supplement.

Both theory and practical work are seen as integral parts of the course, and students will be tested on both in the final examination as out-lined in the ‘Scheme of Assessment’.

The syllabus content consists of the following main sections, the specific details of which will be found in the syllabus document issued by Cambridge International Examinations

Team Chemistry

Chemistry is the study of matter, atoms and molecules, and their interactions with each other. The A level course aims to provide an introduction to the study of Chemistry for students and to show how Chemistry is an integral part of everyday life. At the same time, we look into the basis of chemical reactions and the practical techniques needed to observe and quantify them. This requires development of good equipment handling, as well as observational and reasoning, skills.

Team Biology

Biology is the study of living organisms. The A level course aims to provide an insight into the living world for students, improve their skills of reasoning and data analysis, along with handling apparatus and experimental design. The students should develop an awareness of how Biology impacts on everyday life and the developing technologies associated with Biological Science. The course provides a firm foundation for students applying for Medicine, Life Science or other science courses for their under-graduate degree.