COVID raction

Year 2020

School closure due to COVID-19 was announced in late January during the Chinese New Year holiday when most students and staff left Shenzhen, and many of them were unable to come back at that time. Initially, the holiday should end in late February. However, students were not allowed to return to school due to increasing cases and uncertain situations.

Distant learning and online lessons were brought to students via various methods. It turned out that Students’ previous experience utilizing online resources played an important role in making the teaching quality progress faster than expectancy. SCIE held Online Mock exams to give feedback to teachers and students before face-to-face lessons.

On 11th May 2020, after no increasing cases in 28 continuous days, the Education Bureau gave the clearance of returning to the campus. SCIE operated under heavy restrictions, including suspending all extra-curricular activities and trips and following a reduced timetable.

Due to the cancellation of the international examination, SCIE held internal exams to collect students’ portfolios for their final grades. In the winter of 2020, the CAIE series of international exams resumed in China.

Move to Antuo Hill campus

The College had expected to move to the brand new purpose-built Antuo Hill campus in August 2020. However, COVID-19 resulted in delay in the construction and limitations of provision of facilities and services at the new site.

Class 2021 started the new academic year on 18 August at the old campus and moved to Antuo Hill on 31 August. Along with COVID-19, the changes and move presented challenges to their learning, college preparation, and ECA participation and student leadership opportunities.