Why study IGCSE?
IGCSE stands for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is the international equivalent of the General Certificate of Secondary Education or GCSE, which is taken by all UK students at the end of their compulsory schooling at age 16.
IGCSE is not a general qualification like the International Baccalaureate or Australian High School Leaving Certificate but instead students take an individual IGCSE in each of their chosen subjects. It is therefore possible for students to gain high grades in those subjects in which they excel, without having an overall mark affected by other subjects in which they may do less well. IGCSEs were first introduced into the British Education System at the end of the 1980s to replace two existing qualifications, the GCE O level and the CSE. The qualification was designed to be taken by students of all levels of ability with a wide range of possible outcomes in terms of grading.
IGCSEs were introduced by Cambridge International Examinations shortly after the introduction of the GCSE in the UK. In nearly two decades since their inception, IGCSEs have become a widely recognized standard for education for 14 to 16 year old’s in schools and colleges throughout the world. The IGCSE offers students an entry into the world of international qualifications and each IGCSE provides an excellent platform from which to start the AS and A level course in each subject. Most IGCSE courses are 2 years in duration. At SCIE, students start their IGCSE courses in G1 and continue until the final IGCSE examinations at the end of their G2 year.
IGCSE Structure
For IGCSE, Students are allowed to take 5 core subjects and 3 optional subjects.
Core subjects includes Chinese, English, Mathematics and two out of three Science Subjects. These courses are compulsory.
Meanwhile students can choose the remaining three subjects based on their personal preference, talent, interests and future aim.

CORE Subjects
All G1 students must study the following three subjects:
– English
– Chinese
– Mathematics
And pick two out of following subjects:
– Biology
– Physics
– Chemistry
Students can choose two science subject as the core subject while choose the other one as an elective subject.
Electives Subjects
SCIE students can choose three following courses as electives subjects. SCIE offer various choice of IGCSE subjects. The selection of subject is very important for student’s future studying and university application.