


Staff Council

the Staff Council is an elected group, composed of members of staff, which acts as a conduit for Staff opinion and feedback to the College’s Board and Management. The Council has no power to make decisions, other than those relating to the staff club and its budget but can give advice and feedback on any matter.


The Staff Council should ensure that staff morale is supported through maintenance of strong and effective communication between the College’s Staff and the Management and Board.

Council members serve for a standard one-year term. The council has 5 members which are:

  • Elected Staff Council Chairperson
  • Elected ex-pat staff representative of the Board of Advisors
  • Elected local teaching staff representative of the Board of Advisors
  • Elected local administrative staff representative


Staffrep Chairman

Yusri vdSchyff

The Staff Council is made up of a dedicated team, who work to ensure that the needs and concerns of the staff are understood and satisfied. Being the voice of the staff, allows us to take any suggestions to the senior teams, and provide feedback to create a collaborated working environment where everyone feels supported. We also regularly throw staff events and trips, to thank our staff and foster a community that is more like a family.


Staffrep Expats

Shiwei Qiu

Staffrep Local

Bin Li

Staffrep Admin