The SCIE Union of Commerce held the first essay competiton


[SCIE web news, Jan 23rd, 2019] This year the UCC Applied Economics Award had a focus on Shenzhen’s economic reforms since 1978. One essay stood out – the winner is Alice Ruan. Her essay confidently and verifiably highlighted the reasons for Shenzhen’s success.

 [SCIE web news, Jan 23rd, 2019] SCIE Commerce offers Economics, Business Studies and Accounting as core offerings although every year, we aim for our students to develop a keen sense of interest in the world around them by encouraging them to go beyond the standard curriculum. The SCIE Union of Commerce Clubs (UCC) is a unique institution in that it was formed by student leaders of two of our clubs, SCIE Business Practice Club and SCIE Finance Club. Last year, they invited teachers to be involved in their Union to create more opportunities for growth. One result of this inclusion was the birth of the Applied Economics Award. 

Essay Competition winner Alice Ruan and Economics teacher Chloe


Shenzhen is widely regarded as a futuristic city and a posterchild for modern Chinese development. Consequently, this year the UCC Applied Economics Award had a focus on Shenzhen’s economic reforms since 1978. One essay stood out – the winner is Alice, or Ruan Tianyin. Her essay confidently and verifiably highlighted the reasons for Shenzhen’s success. It also alluded to areas for further development using a mature, careful approach. We are very proud to have Alice Ruan as a student within our school and we hope that her essay is read, discussed and enjoyed by many more people. We would also like to invite other schools in Shenzhen to collaborate in this award in years to come, please feel free to contact us, we’d love to hear from you.


Excerpt of Ruan’s Essay:




Report/Chloe; Photos/Crystal


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