2019.12.02 SCIE Flag Raising

It’s the last flag raising in 2019 in which all students and teachers showed up. Although the weather is getting colder, the atmosphere on the campus is still warm.

After flag raising ceremony, the heads of the Prefects, gave a brief summary of the past and upcoming events for everyone.

♦ The Head of the Biology Department, Sefe, announced the achievement SCIE students obtained in the iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition),which is the highest-level academic competition in the field of synthetic biology.  There are three teams represented SCIE participating in the competition. The GreatBay SZ team, where Chang Xinyou and Mo kaicheng located, won the global championship and multiple single awards. GreatBay SCIE team also achieved the gold award and single nomination award, and I BoWu team won the gold award as well. Principal Mr. Mobsby presented awards to them amid the warm applause.

♦ Last month’s international Anti-bulling activities held by the prefects was strongly supported by our students and teachers. Activities not only include dissemination of Anti-bulling by designing pink posters and encouraging everyone to wear pink, but also include selling charitable merchandises. In final, the money they raised, 4,140RMB, is going to be donated to the local charity.

♦ The just-concluded semifinal of The Ninth Business Practice Competition held by Business Practice Club attracted a group of enthusiasts and had a significant effect among major schools. Thanks to all the faculties of business department and student leaders of PBC for organizing this meaningful event.

♦ The head of Fire House, Fandy, announced the results of recent House Competitions,

Both Fire House and Metal House were the winners in School Uniform Design Competition;

Wood House was the First Place Both in A Level and G Level Badminton Competitions;

Fire House won the Championship in A Level Basketball Competition, Fire House and Wood House tied for the Frist Place in G Level Basketball Competition;

Water House took the First Place in Tchoukball Competition.On the current scoreboard, Water House ranks the First Place and Wood House Ranks the Second Place. Hope everyone will have a good performance in the coming House Christmas Cooking and Decorating Competition.

♦ The captain of SCIE Badminton Team, Paris, shares that SCIE players have had all-round success in the International School Badminton Competition against the other four international schools.

♦ Next week will be the SCIE International Human-Right week. Prefects will organize several related activities around campus, and we wish that everyone could participate in the newly-planned and arranged activities. For more information, please check our WeChat Official Account.

♦ The Prefects College Support Portfolio is going to organize a summer school lecture that aims to help all students interested in participating summer programs during the holiday. Seniors who have this experience will be invited and will be asked to share their highlights and application skills for the program they have been to.

♦ The Prefect Community Service Portfolio is now organizing several charity events. Ravleen, who is in charge of organizing a visitation to Promise Land that is an organization aims to help autistic children learn more life skills. Over the years, SCIE has always payed close attention to Promise Land, accompanied these kids and supported their parents. Wish what we have done will brighten their lives.

♦ The Community Exhibitions organized by the Student Union are around the corner. Each community will exhibit totally different things in different styles on the campus. Hope everyone has active participation.

♦ Lereina, one of the members of The Prefects, recommended Fobisia Social Science Essay Competition she joined last year. From her experience, Fobisia is a great competition worth students who love Humanity, Social Science and Economics to participate in. During the preparation, you really can achieve a lot.

“For G1 and G2 students, wish you the best to your test week and mock exams. For A2 students who have already submitted their applications or received interview invitations, wish you all good luck.” Expressed by Rindy and Travis.

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