As the Bell Rings, the Melody Comes


When the bell rings, everything starts to have its own melody.

The sound of bells slowly rings, and although there is no fluffy snow, it is still the most romantic and warm time of the year.

Subconsciously, Christmas has always been associated with romance, and snowflakes as they danced with the magnificent symphony. However, the Christmas atmosphere on the campus is much more romantic than the usual Christmas in memory, and it is filled with too many genuine emotions.

Stepping into the campus, the first thing you see is the colorful Christmas tree, with five vibrant colors representing five blessings: festive red, warm orange, fruitful yellow, tender purple, and lively green.

Looking further, there is a huge tree covered with colorful tassels, adding a variety of color to the campus.

Moving forward, on the staircase, Santa Clauses lie down, smiling at us. Perhaps he heard the students’ wishes and came to bless us to successfully finish the end-of-semester exams and get satisfactory grades!

After all, what else can comfort the heart more than an exam paper with 100% marked on it?

But if we must pick the most romantic scene…

It must be the Christmas decorations at the entrance of the cafeteria, where students have already taken numerous photos under the snowfall music box, adding a touch of romance.

If you say these are not enough to create a Christmas atmosphere, then here comes a Christmas party!

The night of December 13th is a perfect day for a party, not too cold or too hot, just the right temperature.

Although there is no fluff drifting like snow, there is a unique warmth from the students.

In the central courtyard of the open-air beside the building, students with red hats run and sing their Christmas carols, smiling.

The warmth of duet singing, the tenderness of choir singing, all add a unique touch to this special Christmas.

The students below wave their arms while singing, and occasionally, someone raises their phone to capture videos or photos of their classmates’ performances. If someone in the photo makes a mistake, or accidentally makes a funny face, it always causes laughter.

At this moment, teachers are no longer the stern figures from the day but are smiling on stage, singing and chatting with students like peers.

The sweet scent of desserts permeates the campus, and friends gather together, creating a lively atmosphere.

In the scorching weather of Shenzhen, the campus has a unique Christmas atmosphere.

As the temperature drops sharply, the Christmas atmosphere in the school changes. If you wake up early, you can always see students holding hot drinks near the central open space of the teaching building, with steam rising from their coffee cups. In this cold Southern winter, it seems leisurely and warm.

As Christmas approaches, the express delivery lockers at the entrance of the campus are overwhelmed, undoubtedly filled with gifts that students have purchased for each other.

In my heart, I can’t help but be excited, waiting for the arrival of Christmas.

And as the teachers announce the end of exams, I think we have all received the best gift we can ever imagine—vacation!

Although we are miles apart, with no gifts, no big meals, we have the most sincere wish:

Merry Christmas, everyone! And see you next semester~