Drama Show — An Inspector Calls


We started when the theater went through irregular maintenance and the drama studios were nowhere to be found. The rehearsal space might be in the theater, might be in the classroom on the 6th floor, or just the outdoor seatings of the cafe. As actors, we all held the same notion: get the lines done and wait.

At the end of last year, we finally became permanent residents” of the theater, and Gadi was finally able to start directing. The process was a mutual exploration. I gradually began to understand the role of Inspector—he can be understood as a supernatural existence, but then he comes in the show as the main character indicates that hes with mission and purpose. Every other character in this show is also like this. To help us build a deeper understanding of the characters, Gadi organized a Workshop to inspire us to put ourselves in those charactersshoes, to improvise, and to live the characterslife. When the Workshop was over, I felt that the bonds between the characters have gone deeper—Eric is alcoholic, but the reason behind it may be Mr. & Mrs. Birlings spoiling and faulty parenting; Mr. Birling is the breadwinner of the family and talks about peace and war in the family gathering, yet this behavior can be seen to conceal the fact that his class is lower than that of his wife…

(click to see the full photo)

The first time we put the microphone on, the first time we brought the furniture back from the mailroom one by one, assembled them and put them on the stage, the first time we rehearsed with the lights and music, I all felt an immense sense of satisfaction and excitement. As the Inspector, I truly feel that Im walking into Birling’s home as the truth-seeker after all the props and furniture on the stage are in place. The design elements are slowly coming into the performance—like adding color to the line draft—the whole show comes alive. The rehearsals again and again made every element of the play better blended and made our last An Inspector Calls possible.

(click to see the full photo)

A month ago, we never dreamed that we could present such a complete production to everyone, nor did we even dreamed that we became the start of the school production in the new theater, in the new campus. Thanks to all teachers and students involved in the show, and special shout-out to Hill Canteen for providing amazing food for Birling’s dinner. Sincere thanks to all audience who came and watched the show. It is only when the audience and actors come to the theater, the unique magic of the theater will happen.